Orlando's Venue for Pool, Darts, Poker, Sports, & Fun

Food Specials and Football Sunday
Watch your favorite college football and NFL teams with us! Happy hour until 9pm…$2.25 domestic pints & $4.25 wells, & bucket specials.
We open at 12:30 Sundays…. 1/2 off Apps until 9 AM TV’s will be playing all the games so come join us!!

When: Nightly 8pm-Close
Hosted by: Southeast Hold’em
- It’s always free to play!!
- Play for bragging rights, or place 1st, 2nd or 3rd nightly and win points. Top 100 point leaders get a seat in their bi-monthly Orlando tournaments, which have $1000 prize pools!
- Win 1 tournament for a seat in their semi-annual tournament with a prize pool of $12,000 in prizes and tournament buy-ins annually.
Check out their website www.southeastholdem.com for more details.

When: Daily 3pm-9pm, Mondays & Wednesdays 3pm-CLOSE
*Free only with alcohol purchase (per person)

Free Darts
When: Sundays 9pm-CLOSE